Nike, Adidas, Levis, Top Shop, MTV's Ridiculousness, Stussy, Forever21, Midnight Organic, Shiekh, Boohoo, Feature, Stampd, Rochelle Jordan, Melody Ehsani, Curly Essence, King Me By Pink Grasshopper, DVSN4, Her Favorite LA, VSXNSTA, Thrifty Bxtch, Lesoleil Crochet
"Fashion has always been a part of my life, I knew it was where I wanted to be. I love how expressive a wardrobe can be, or how photography will tell a story. It's more than creating, more than simply 'creating' and 'being'. I want you to feel what I'm feeling in that moment, I want you to be as inspired as I. It is art, I love it, such a beautiful thing."
-Kaela D. Wade